Home / How the World Lost Its Story: As Our Changing Culture Struggled to Define Itself, The Theologian Robert W. Jenson Mourned the Missing Narrative of a Universe Gone Postmodern and Mad (October 1993)

How the World Lost Its Story: As Our Changing Culture Struggled to Define Itself, The Theologian Robert W. Jenson Mourned the Missing Narrative of a Universe Gone Postmodern and Mad (October 1993) By Robert W. Jenson

How the World Lost Its Story: As Our Changing Culture Struggled to Define Itself, The Theologian Robert W. Jenson Mourned the Missing Narrative of a Universe Gone Postmodern and Mad (October 1993)

By Robert W. Jenson

  • Release Date: 2010-03-01
  • Genre: Religion & Spirituality
  • $5.99


I It is the whole mission of the Church to speak the gospel. As to what sort of thing "the gospel" may be, too many years ago I tried to explain that in a book with the title Story and Promise, and I still regard these two concepts as the best analytical characterization of the Church's message. It is the Church's constitutive task to tell the biblical narrative to the world in proclamation and to God in worship, and to do so in a fashion appropriate to the content of that narrative; that is, as a promise claimed from God and proclaimed to the world. It is the Church's mission to tell all who will listen, God included, that the God of Israel has raised his servant Jesus from the dead, and to unpack the soteriological and doxological import of that fact.