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Guerrilla Warfare By Ernesto Che Guevara

Guerrilla Warfare

By Ernesto Che Guevara

  • Release Date: 2007-10-27
  • Genre: Self-Improvement
  • $6.99
Score: 3.5
From 16 Ratings


This interesting book is more than a mere translation of Che Guevara's handbook on how to be a guerrilla fighter. Rather, the translation of Guevara's historic work, Guerrilla Warfare, and two of his later pieces, Guerrilla Warfare: A Method and Message to the Tricontinental, are nestled between an informative and well-developed introduction and essays describing the struggles in seven South American countries whose guerrilla movements were inspired by Che Guevara's writings and beliefs. . . . This work is quite useful for anyone who desires to understand the struggles occurring around the world today.


  • Remember Che was a doctor not a commander

    By Ohrkn
    Che's experience in guerrilla warfare was 2nd and 3rd hand as a doctor in Castro's forces. He was successful murdering tens of thousands of innocent Cuban peasants after the revolution. He was a dismal failure attempting to lead troops in Africa and South America. The most interesting aspect of this book is how self-deluded Che was.
  • A Must Read

    By K9gsd1
    This is a must read for the Military or Military buff. Very applicable to today's warfare.