Home / Positive Discipline for Single Parents
Single parenting can be overwhelming and highly stressful, and single parents have relatively few written guides at their disposal to help them through the challenges. Positive Discipline for Single Parents is one of the best. Like all of Jane Nelsen's books (Positive Discipline: The First Three Years, Positive Discipline A-Z, and others), Positive Discipline for Single Parents is as much about general positive parenting skills as it is about the smaller subset of discipline. Nelson and her assorted coauthors write books that focus on raising children with nonpunitive discipline, through clear communication techniques and child-positive approaches to problem solving. Nelson's parenting recommendations incorporate understanding misbehavior; encouragement, praise, trust, and respect for children; the use of firm, wise limits; and allowing and providing for natural and logical consequences for misbehavior. In Positive Discipline for Single Parents, Nelson and her collaborators deal with these issues and more, including ways to face the challenges presented by the children's other parent, and how to help your child accept your dating and sex life. They provide solutions, solace, and respite for parents trying to raise kids on their own without losing their minds. --Ericka Lutz