Home / Mount Eros: Titillating Tales of Life and Love
It should go without saying, that relationships between people are, as always, the essential elements of any romantic story. But equally important are the settings in which the characters act out their parts.
In Mount Eros, we introduce you to The Club, a newly styled female friendly venue that had its origins in the old and shabby blue movie cinemas of New York, London, Berlin and Amsterdam.
Roger's stepsister, Jackie and her partner Miranda are home in Australia from London at last and happily ensconced in the house at the end of Eros Crescent and looking to start a family.
Life has changed significantly for Helen and Mary and many of the others, all of whom are more than happy to share their lives and loves with each other.
Mount Eros is the third and final volume of the Eros Crescent Trilogy which includes volume one entitled The Fifi Code and volume two, Eros Crescent.
Roger was very surprised to discover the location of The Club. Only a short walk from his own house and he’d never suspected that it was there. He met Maria in what was originally intended as a car park, many years back, but which was now just a large flattened expanse of land that lay at the foot of the mount and stretched behind both numbers thirteen and eleven Eros Crescent.
Marie looked extraordinary. She was not wearing her usual black skirt and top but instead, a very short red miniskirt and a light cream coloured blouse with a frilly low neckline. Her bright red lipstick and her red high heels and white stockings pushed her appearance over the top. She took his hand and looked into Roger’s eyes.
“Sorry about this outfit Roger, but it is the second Tuesday of the month. It’s when Veronica and I meet two older lesbian ladies who we both happen to work for. They are super rich and live in big houses next door to each other in Vaucluse. They love to come over here once a month and have us together and wanting us to look as slutty as we can make ourselves without getting arrested. Interestingly, of the things that some women regret not doing in their younger days, dressing as sluts is one of them, although they will never admit it. If you sat close by and watched, you would be amazed at how many women approach us when we look like this. Far more interest from women than men.”
The Dunking was envisaged as a gated dogging site and without further ado the owner threw herself into organising it. Everything was going fine, she put in a lighting system that allowed itself to be turned into bright moonlight, and even added clusters of large indoor ferns in huge containers. But Sally how to get enough men to make it interesting for the ladies? After all, the whole thing was supposed to be female friendly and she wanted to be certain that their needs would be met. The enjoyable experiences the owner had had at the little dogging sessions just out of Goulburn where made possible by the fact that they had a large number of widowers and bachelors as members, as well as the women and their husbands.
Where to get men and more importantly, the right men?
It was a stroke of luck that Sally was introduced to the owner of The Club, a female friendly club where men and women, and women and women, could meet up during the day for sexual encounters. The owner, Desley Leigh had heard about the doggers at Goulburn from the member who introduced her to Sally, and she thought it sounded interesting.
The upshot of this meeting - and after numerous get togethers between the two women and their accountants - was that Desley would offer her members, both male and female, a voucher giving them two free nights at Sally’s new venture which, by the way, she had named The Dunking, a name she chose in an effort to move people away from the original dogging label yet still sound suggestive.