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Sustainable Treatment Technologies for Pre- and Poly-flourakyl Substances provides comprehensive details about per- and poly-fluroalkyls substances (PFASs), which are highly toxic and bio-accumulative substances that do not biodegrade easily or cannot be neutralized under normal environmental conditions. It discusses their occurrence in water, wastewater, and aquatic environment, their bioaccumulation in plants, environmental impacts and various remedial technologies for their treatment and management. All the chapters provide state-of-art information about PFASs, describing their identification methods, characterization and present critical analysis of the treatment methods such as physical, chemical, biological, hybrid and advanced systems. This book is a ready reference for the environmental engineers, municipal engineers, environmental practitioners, policy makers, and planners; it is also a practical guide for industrial engineers, government bodies and ecologists as well as for researchers. Describes occurrence of PFASs in aquatic environment and on plant Provides details on identification methods and characterization of PFAS Describes physical, chemical, biological, hybrid and advanced system treatments for PFASs Covers regulatory aspects on PFASs First dedicated book on PFASs