Home / Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart. Multi-Disease, Multi-View, and Multi-Center Right Ventricular Segmentation in Cardiac MRI Challenge
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart, STACOM 2021, as well as the M&Ms-2 Challenge: Multi-Disease, Multi-View and Multi-Center Right Ventricular Segmentation in Cardiac MRI Challenge.
The 25 regular workshop papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected after being revised. They deal with cardiac imaging and image processing, machine learning applied to cardiac imaging and image analysis, atlas construction, artificial intelligence, statistical modelling of cardiac function across different patient populations, cardiac computational physiology, model customization, atlas based functional analysis, ontological schemata for data and results, integrated functional and structural analyses, as well as the pre-clinical and clinical applicability of these methods.
In addition, 15 papers from the M&MS-2 challenge are included in this volume. The Multi-Disease, Multi-View & Multi-Center Right Ventricular Segmentation in Cardiac MRI Challenge (M&Ms-2) is focusing on the development of generalizable deep learning models for the Right Ventricle that can maintain good segmentation accuracy on different centers, pathologies and cardiac MRI views. There was a total of 48 submissions to the workshop.