Home / Wanderers
Whether seeking asylum, travelling between homes, or studying abroad, these poems shimmer and roar with the chaos, beauty, and astonishment that come with crossing borders. The impetus for crossing varies, but whatever the reason, borders loom large in the lives of these poets.
Crossing - John S Green
Double Hearted - Shawn L. Bird
Filter - Sarah Ben Sabat
First Grade Escapade - Yvona Fast
"Have a Good One" - Raymond G. Falgui
Land Lost With My Childhood - Jennifer Mariani
Leaving - Yvona Fast
Makeshift Borders - Nnadi Samuel
New Words, New Language - Mari-Carmen Marín
Split and Shattered - Mari-Carmen Marin
Street Cred - Sophia N. Ashley
The Ballet Class - Jackie Kierulf
The Beat of the City - A.J. Fife
The murky river - Mei Wang
The Things We Pass Down - Marsheila Rockwell
Third Culture Kid - Mildred Achoch
What You Want Doesn't Matter- Moni Brar
Wind Advisories: NYC - Lorraine Schein
•East Village Wind
•Broadway Wind