Home / Potential Prospective Of Underutilized Plant Species
The contributors of this book are mainly from academic and R&D institutions. This book shall be regarded as one of the best information sources on the present status of important underutilized plant species and their value addition. This book is unique in providing practical knowledge, Agro-technology and ideas in employing to Indian agriculture as a safe guard for preventing hunger and income generation to poor and marginal farmers shall be kept as a text for instructing beginners and for sharing ideas with researchers and policy makers. The book “POTENTIAL PROSPECTIVE OF UNDERUTILIZED PLANT SPECIES” contains 16-chapters on different under utilized and Under exploited plants their botany, agro-technology, potential use and the agro-climatic zone where it is predominately found. Definitely this book will contribute to the development of ideas on balancing sustainability and productivity in agriculture and the environment for the current.