Home / 100 Jokes: Japanese Reading Practice
Japanese Reading Practice: JLPT N4/N3
100 Jokes 日本のジョーク
Reading every day is one of the best ways to learn any language. This series is for the people/students who want to learn Japanese.
Learning to Read Japanese http://readjapanese.byoubu.com/
No.1 ケーキ(cake)、No.2 姉《あね》(an older sister)、No.3 性《せい》(gender)、No.4 お母《かあ》さん(mother)、No.5 お母《かあ》さん(mother)、No.6 歯医者《はいしゃ》(dentist)、No.7 おかえりなさい(welcome home)、No.8 相撲《すもう》(sumo wrestling)、No.9 牛乳《ぎゅうにゅう》(milk)