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“In ancient Roman times, Janus was the God of beginnings andpassages, divinity of change and time. He had two faces: one thatlooked to the past, the other one that observed the future. Janus is,to me, the best representation of journalism's essence today.”Disruption, from Latin (dis- ‘apart' + rumpere ‘to break'), means tearingsomething into pieces, destroying it completely. In the chaotic,uncertain, fast-paced contemporary world, journalism must embracechange and adapt. Based on this assumption, the author covers herexperience towards the centenary media business with a fresh andentrepreneurial approach.Framing her analysis with the Chaos and Network theories, shebrings the reader into a journey through the future of journalism,which now more than ever must turn into a trustworthy, reliable, andsense-making entity, representative of our society.Exploring myths and stories from Plato's Cave to the Black Swan,from Leonardo da Vinci to Giuseppe Garibaldi, from Adriano Olivettito Steve Jobs, this book is an unconventional invitation for a newgeneration of intrapreneurs (“entrepreneurs in house”) to take partin the transformational process of news industry.