Home / Emerging Applications of 3D Printing During CoVID 19 Pandemic
This book presents various practical breakthroughs of 3D printing (3DP) technologies in developing different types of tool and gadgets to be used against COVID-19 pandemic. It presents multidisciplinary aspects of 3DP technology in social, medical, administration, and scientific areas. This book presents state-of-the-art applications of 3DP technology in the development of PPE, ventilators, respiratory equipments, and customized drugs. It provides a comprehensive collection of the technical notes, research designs, literature prospective, and clinical applications of 3DP technologies to effectively deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. This book will be beneficial for the medical professionals, pharmacists, manufacturing enterprises, and young scholars in understanding the real potential of 3DP technologies in aiding humans-based activities against the COVID-19 crisis. Having interdisciplinary applications in applied science, this book will also be useful for wide range of academicians,research scholars and industry stakeholders.