Home / Doc and Her Dragon
Take one doctor with a glittering green body, sparkly wings, and a sassy alter-ego who refuses to take no for an answer.
Add an explosives professor with red scales and a heart of gold who shares his soul with an ancient Dragon King.
Mix in the most FUCN'A band of amazing friends a couple could ask for and you've got a story like no other that will have you laughing, cheering, and falling in love till the very end.
Doc and Her Dragon are out to solve the conundrum of a seriously deranged and absolutely deceased megalomaniac and psychopath who is posthumously trying to turn the shifters of the world into super dino soldiers. Stop right there. You're about to be FUC'd – in the best possible way and that's just the beginning.
I am so excited to be writing in the AMAZING EveL Worlds! I just cannot wait to hear what you think of this story. Take Care. Be Safe. And, ALWAYS Dare to Dream! XOXO, Julia