Home / Latent Heat-Based Thermal Energy Storage Systems

Latent Heat-Based Thermal Energy Storage Systems By Amritanshu Shukla

Latent Heat-Based Thermal Energy Storage Systems

By Amritanshu Shukla

  • Release Date: 2020-09-27
  • Genre: Science & Nature
  • $169.99


In light of increasing human-induced global climate change, there is a greater need for clean energy resources and zero carbon projects. This new volume offers up-to-date coverage of the fundamentals as well as recent advancements in energy efficient thermal energy storage materials, their characterization, and technological applications. Thermal energy storage (TES) systems offer very high-energy savings for many of our day-to-day applications and could be a strong component for enhancing the usage of renewable/clean energy-based devices. Because of its beneficial environmental impact, this technology has received wide attention in the recent past, and dedicated research efforts have led to the development of novel materials, as well to innovative applications in very many fields, ranging from buildings to textile, healthcare to agriculture, space to automobiles. This book offers a valuable and informed systematic treatment of latent heat-based thermal energy storage systems, covering current energy research and important developmental work.