Home / Advances in Manufacturing Engineering and Materials II
This book reports on cutting-edge research and technologies in the field of advanced manufacturing and materials, with a special emphasis on unconventional machining process, rapid prototyping and biomaterials. It gathers contributions to the International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Materials (ICMEM 2020), which was originally planned in June 2020, but will actually take place in 2021, in Nový Smokovec, Slovakia, because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite the challenging times, submitted contributions were peer-reviewed, and upon a careful revision, included in this book, which covers advances that are expected to increase the industry’s competitiveness with regard to sustainable development and preservation of the environment and natural resources. Condition monitoring, industrial automation, and diverse fabrication processes such as welding, casting and molding, as well as tribology and bioengineering, are just a few of the topics discussed in the book’s wealth ofauthoritative contributions. A special emphasis is given to problems connected to climate change and solution manufacturer and engineers may adopt and develop to prevent and cope with them.