Home / The Encyclicon - Volume 1
Volume 1 has a very comprehensive chapter that describes the Analytic Network Process and a step by step description on how to design and implement a Benefits - Opportunities - Costs and Risks model.
The Encyclicon is an advanced dictionary of structures used to represent complex decisions. The first dictionary of hierarchic decision making was the Hierarchon. Since hierarchies are a special case of networks, the examples given here can be regarded as more general and complete representation of decision making. In particular, except for a group of market share examples, they all involve decisions made by considering Benefits (B), Opportunities (O), Costs (C) and Risks (R). They also involve a synthesis of these BOCR merits into a single overall best outcome for a decision.
Each of the books contains different models from different years, collected by a different author along with Thomas L. Saaty and although all books tackle similar topics there are different models and different approaches on how to summarize and represent models for general use. These books are meant as a reference guide when you try to set up ANP or AHP complex decision models. The case studies in the books are linked to online reference material related to that which often include the super decision model, power point presentation and the original report of the case.