Home / HIV-AIDs, NGOs And Human Rights
Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) are becoming increasingly important in the field of development. NGOs are a very important link between people at the grassroots, civil society and the state. They are diverse both in terms of organisational form, structure and culture and in terms of the issues they cover. Their involvement is not only seen in the implementation of governmental programmes but also in the process of formulation of public policies, and even in the enforcement of social legislation. The purpose of this book is to explore the efforts of non-governmental organisations in combating the global HIV/AIDS crisis. Despite of the depth of literature already in existence concerning the benefits and effectiveness of NGOs in the health field, research in developing and evaluating the full potential and effectiveness of the transfer of HIV prevention intervention models from the research arena to NGOs in developing countries with high HIV incidence is still in its infancy. NGOs working in tandem with international, national and local public health organisations will allow HIV prevention research advances to better benefit the global fight against HIV/AIDS. This book is a modest attempt to discuss all these issues. It intends to focus on NGO, Globalization and Tribes in India and abroad. The case studies of various NGOs reflect the initiatives, programme execution strategies, successes and challenges faced by them in combating HIV/AIDS.