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Tozer By A.W. Tozer


By A.W. Tozer

  • Release Date: 2007-01-15
  • Genre: Christianity
  • $9.99
Score: 4.5
From 28 Ratings


“It is by the Spirit that God works His mighty work.” — A.W. Tozer

Dr. A.W. Tozer (1897-1963) was a twentieth-century prophet with keen insight into spiritual things, especially the nature of the Church at large. He spoke with prophetic precision about issues within the Church that he believed were crippling the Church spiritually. Mystery of the Holy Spirit is a collection of sermons that reveal Tozer’s prophetic insights into this crucial topic.

These sermons on the Holy Spirit represent Dr. Tozer at his best. Tozer’s critique of the Church is as relevant today as when he first preached it from his pulpit in Chicago more than a half-century ago. These powerful messages exude the timeless fragrance of God’s anointing, pinning us down and piercing our hearts.

“We have grieved the Holy Spirit,” Dr. Tozer warned, “and He has withdrawn His anointing from many Christians.”

The greatest sin within the Evangelical church, according to Dr. Tozer, is neglecting the Holy Spirit and not allowing Him to be Lord in the Church. In these sermons we are challenged to confess this sin and invite the Holy Spirit to resume His rightful place of Lordship in our churches and in our lives today.

In an era when many extremes are being promoted in the name of the Holy Spirit, Dr. Tozer’s cautious warnings are more than apropos—they are an urgent call to action.


  • Tozer

    By Mary Ward Taylor
    The author speaks his theology in ‘every man speak’ giving his beliefs and perspectives on the third member of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. Whether you agree or disagree, you are likely to find it interesting.
  • Great book that was very though provoking

    By totally stoked about Jesus
    I read this book wanting to understand the concept of the Holy Spirit. We learn and read about it all the time in church and while reading God’s word. Even in our devotions (personal time with God) it comes up. But I wanted to grasp more and understand more and grow from it. This book was a great step in the direction I was looking for answers and getting a lot closer to them. How does one get the Holy Spirit and if I’m a Christian is that person automatically filled? Read it and learn.