Home / She's the Sunflower: Heart Healing Poetry and Prose

She's the Sunflower: Heart Healing Poetry and Prose By Deepak Gupta

She's the Sunflower: Heart Healing Poetry and Prose

By Deepak Gupta

  • Release Date: 2020-04-08
  • Genre: Literary Criticism
  • Free


About the Book

i will love the way

you love yourself

but believe

people always trust the right women

who don't betray men for their reason. 

She's the Sunflower explores the heavy and strong heart of the girls and boys who feel feeble, live the agony, yell the loneliness, believe and trust little, swallow the lust and run infinitely to find love on the strange lonely roads. Why don't women trust the men? Why don't men trust the women? Why love is not possession? 

A collection of over two hundred poetry and prose, She's the Sunflower is an eye-opening and breathe taking guide to explore love, life, and loneliness with beautiful illustrations. The book uncovers the process from hurt to heal busy life in a better way.

I never wanted to let her go but I didn't want to possess her for my love.

The book is dedicated to the people:

who never find love in their life.

who find love but never loved in the right way.

who are destroying themselves in true love.

who feel like a hollow and heavy heart.

who feel like someone should read their heart.

who feel like their love never treat in the right way.

who feel like there's a new different world.