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21 Days at the Cross By Alan Cockrell

21 Days at the Cross

By Alan Cockrell

  • Release Date: 2020-03-31
  • Genre: Christianity
  • $5.99


 Summary: “While I was co-pastoring with Al Cockrell many years ago, he preached a historic message at our church in which these 21 statements about the cross of Christ were gloriously articulated. To know that he has crafted a devotional around these thoughts to greater magnify the work of Jesus delights me. I pray you will be as richly encouraged and awed at the glory of Christ in reading them as our church was when we heard them.”
Dr. Jerry Gillis
Senior Pastor, The Chapel at Cross Point, Buffalo, NY

One or more of these twenty one features related to the crucifixion of Jesus became a part of my devotional thoughts and I always thought there should be more written about each of them but it wasn’t until my daughter-in-law, Tita Cockrell, suggested that I write a chapter on each one of the bullet points that I had written some years earlier seeking to place an emphasis on the singularly most important event in history: the Cross of Jesus Christ. Even the great Apostle Paul wrote; “May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.”(Gal. 6:14 NIV) 

I decided to do this devotional to encourage readers to take a fresh look at this incredible moment when the sacrifice of Heaven’s most precious treasure became the end of man’s search for satisfaction.

It is my hope that in each day’s devotion you will find a feature about the cross that you had not considered before and that in the daily reading of “Twenty One Days at the Cross” springs of a fresh love of the Savior will break forth from within your heart.
Alan Cockrell