Home / Ultimate Obstacle Race Training
Satisfy your hunger for adventure, quench that thirst for competition and prepare for the most fun you’ve ever had in the mud. Ultimate Obstacle Race Training introduces you to these exhilarating events with detailed descriptions of races for every level. Packed with easy-to-follow workouts and step-by-step instructions, this book will help you develop the speed and strength you’ll need to crush any obstacle. Using breakthrough obstacle-specific exercises and training techniques, you’ll be ready to dominate every course and celebrate as you cross the finish line.
• Leap over fiery logs through red-hot flames
• Crawl face-down under razor-sharp barbed wire
• Scramble 100 yards up a slick mud slope
• Scale a harrowing 25-foot cargo net
• Endure shocking cold in a frigid, full-body ice-bath
• Plummet out of control down a 50-foot water slide
• Swing high in the air across a maze of hanging bars