Home / In the Valley of the Shadow
Anne Marie’s life was so filled with drugs, alcohol, lies, and sexual perversion. She no longer knew who she was or who she had been. Her abuse by others began when she was five; her father would slip into her bedroom and molest her. She didn’t cry out because he told her he would kill the entire family if she told anyone, so she stifled her sobs.
The actions of her father set her character for the next twenty-five years. Just as he had stolen her childhood innocence, the memory of him stole her adult self-esteem and made her feel worthless. Anne Marie could not control this feeling until an old ex-marine counselor got her in one of his rehab meetings. He advised her to quit blaming her father for the choices she made. This advice provoked Anne Marie into a wild rage she unleashed upon her counselor with all of hell’s fury.
Satan was always lurking in the dark abyss just outside the rim of Anne Marie’sconscience mind. He was waiting for her to lose her grip on reality and fall again into his clutches and continue on as one of his top lieutenants, but Anne Marie wanted more. She wanted to be free. How could she obtain this impossible goal and escape the shackles that held her in the sulfuric smelling depths of hell? Walk with Anne Marie through the valley of the shadow as she travels the dark road to redemption.