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Trading Armour for a Flower By Manish Srivastava

Trading Armour for a Flower

By Manish Srivastava

  • Release Date: 2019-10-24
  • Genre: Poetry
  • $4.99


Trading Amour for a Flower is a bold poetic inquiry into deeper longings and struggles of a 21st-century man. It offers a pathway for both men and women to transform systemic oppression by discovering the true purpose and power of our inner masculinity. 

Blending poetry and inner-reflections, Manish Srivastava, invites us on a three-part inner journey. Each part explores a threshold that we need to cross to rise beyond gender stereotypes, heal old wounds and reclaim the power to co-create a world that honours each individual.


As we move from men versus women to man and woman as archetypes contained within us all, journeys such as Manish's can provide guidance in a time of uncertainty and strife.
— Peter Senge, MIT USA, Author of bestselling classic The Fifth Discipline

This heartfelt book offers an invitation to reflect deeply on the fullness of being human by integrating our masculine and feminine. Manish's words of tenderness and bravery inspire compassionate strength— so needed in our world today.
— Acharya Arawana Hayashi, Shambhala Buddhist Teacher, and Co-founder of Social Presencing Theatre 

I am blown away by the anguish and love in Manish's poetry. I find it both haunting and liberating to examine patriarchy as a pathway to healing. His exploration of the male psyche is a heart-opening experience. He takes a deep dive into his own pain, and each discovery moves him and his readers into wholeness and resilience. 
— Martha Lasley, Author of Coaching For Transformation and Courageous Visions 

I see Manish Srivastava standing in the legacy of the mythopoetic men's movement and firmly rooted in India and its culture. It is the need of these times that this book goes totally viral!
— Abhishek Thakore, International Youth Activist and Co-founder of Gender Lab and Blue Ribbon Movement 

I am convinced that both men and women of today will benefit from his heartfelt realisations of painstaking self-exploration that is rendered so well in a poetic language. 
— Manisha Roy, PhD Analytical Psychologist, USA and author of Bengali Women and Women, Stereotypes and Archetypes