Home / Wreck and Ruin
An Adepta Sororitas novella
Summoned into the service of the Inquisition, Sister Superior Augusta and her pious warriors hunt a dangerous psyker in a den of renegades and secessionists. Will faith and fury be enough to spell victory for the Sisters of Battle?
Find out what happens when the Sisters of Battle have to deal with the Inquisition in the hunt for a deadly witch – how will the Emperor's finest witch hunters work together?
Having returned from their desperate mission on Lautis, the Sisters of the Bloody Rose are bound for the Covent Sanctorum on Ophelia VII when an urgent and undeniable summons reaches them. One of the Holy Ordos of the Inquisition needs their assistance and will brook no argument.
With little choice and even less knowledge of the mission at hand, Sister Superior and her squad make for the heavily industrialised world of Lycheate and an audience with Inquisitor Istrix. A hunt then begins for the heretic and dangerous psyker-witch known as Scafidis Zale, a task difficult enough without the fact that Lycheate is a den of renegades and Imperial secessionists. Augusta and her Sisters of Battle will need to hold onto their faith and their fury if they are to prevail, but what secrets is the Inquisitor keeping from the Adepta Sororitas, secrets that could damn them all…?
Written by Danie Ware