Home / LORD, You Are My...Prayers from a Captive
Lord, You Are My…Prayers from a Captive is a devotional journal designed to help you pursue the one goal you set for yourself when you started your Christian journey. The one goal that will require all your passion, strength, and compliance. For it is only through the discipline of prayer, obedience, and sacrifice that you will be able to reach the heart of God.
Back Cover -Book Prayer
Father, Your Will is my job description…
“Lord God I am here to accept the position of servant for the Most High.”
“The Lord Jesus is my only reference, He is the one that posted the position.”
“My resume? Well…”
“I’m currently in training with the Holy Spirit, who plans to be with me and guide me as I take on the job. My plan is to make a lifelong career from the opportunity.”
“What drew me to the position?”
“The King made a very compelling presentation over 2,000 years ago. He made it clear that the job wouldn’t be easy and in some cases I may fail, but He made an incredible commitment to me that He would love, strengthen, and encourage me the whole way.”
“Oh, and I was told that no one can beat Your retirement plan.”
Lord Jesus, thank You for recruiting me into Your service, and in Your Name, I accept the position, Maranatha!