Home / UbiquiCity

UbiquiCity By Tod Foley


By Tod Foley

  • Release Date: 2017-11-15
  • Genre: Fiction & Literature
  • $4.99


It is the dawn of the 22nd century, and in the sprawling metropolis known as “UbiquiCity,” the most wealthy and powerful districts possess all the latest in smart technology, with every building, device and control system connected via the Internet Of Things.
The world is augmented and identity is fluid. Satellite-guided cars drive themselves. Busy drones fill the skies. Cloud-assisted bots perform once-human jobs. Appliances, vehicles, buildings, media devices, products, streetlights, roadsigns and even toilets communicate electronically, all under the watchful eye of the AI CitySystem. For the inhabitants of the UbiComp zones, life is sweet.
But not everyone in the city is so blessed.
Where is technology taking us? Who will we be when we get there? Short stories by Niko Carcosa, Antony Copeland, Tod Davies, Tod Foley, DeAnna Knippling, SL Koch, Shariann Lewitt, Adrian McCauley, and T Reynolds paint a picture of a realistic future city where ubiquitous computing is the source of world-changing innovation, renovation and social disruption.