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The Little Red Book of Cowboy Wisdom By Stephen Brennan

The Little Red Book of Cowboy Wisdom

By Stephen Brennan

  • Release Date: 2013-10-01
  • Genre: Quotations
  • $9.99


From real, larger-than-life showmen like Buffalo Bill to silver-screen gunslingers like John Wayne, the cowboy has become an international symbol of honor, adventure, valor, daring, and courage. The era of the cowboy lasted from roughly just before the Civil War to the turn of the century, but it created some of the most enduring and popular names of all time: Jesse James, Wyatt Earp, Wild Bill Hickok, and Pat Garrett, just to name a few. And although the days of duels and showdowns are over, the wisdom and values of those times live on.

The Little Red Book of Cowboy Wisdom offers the lessons learned and taught by the men of an earlier, simpler era. Chapters include:

• Tenderfeet
• Six-Gun or High Noon
• Around the Campfire
• Cowboy Love
• One-Liners
• And more!

The cowboy is without a doubt one of the greatest characters in American history—the soul and backbone of a country. This book is filled with some of the greatest and most lively quotations, sayings, and anecdotes ever to come out of the American West.