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Biomimetics By Bharat Bhushan


By Bharat Bhushan

  • Release Date: 2018-11-03
  • Genre: Engineering
  • $279.99


This book presents an overview of the general field of biomimetics and biologically inspired, hierarchically structured surfaces.  It deals with various examples of biomimetics, which include surfaces with roughness-induced super-phobicity/philicity, self-cleaning, antifouling, low drag, low/high/reversible adhesion, drag reduction in fluid flow, reversible adhesion, surfaces with high hardness and mechanical toughness, vivid colors produced structurally without color pigments, self-healing, water harvesting and purification, and insect locomotion and stinging.  The focus in the book is on the Lotus Effect, Salvinia Effect, Rose Petal Effect, Superoleophobic/philic Surfaces, Shark Skin and Skimmer Bird Effect, Rice Leaf and Butterfly Wing Effect, Gecko Adhesion, Insects Locomotion and Stinging, Self-healing Materials, Nacre, Structural Coloration, and Nanofabrication.  This is the first book of this kind on bioinspired surfaces, and the third edition represents a significant expansion from the previous two editions.