Home / Psychische Störungen bei Säuglingen, Klein- und Vorschulkindern

Psychische Störungen bei Säuglingen, Klein- und Vorschulkindern By Alexander von Gontard

Psychische Störungen bei Säuglingen, Klein- und Vorschulkindern

By Alexander von Gontard

  • Release Date: 2018-10-17
  • Genre: Psychiatry
  • $47.99


Psychological disturbances are just as frequent among small children as they are in older children, but they are often not adequately recognized and treated. The aim of this textbook is to provide a comprehensive, well-founded and practically relevant overview of the variety of psychological disturbances that may arise between birth and the start of school. The textbook is based on interdisciplinary guidelines, new classification systems, current research results and the author=s many years of practical experience. Each disturbance is presented in detail, with specific recommendations for diagnosis and treatment.