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This book discusses recent advances and research in applied mathematics, statistics and their applications in computing. It features papers presented at the fourth conference in the series organized at the Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, India, on 9 – 11 January 2018 on areas of current interest, including operations research, soft computing, applied mathematical modelling, cryptology, and security analysis. The conference has emerged as a powerful forum, bringing together leading academic scientists, experts from industry, and researchers and offering a venue to discuss, interact and collaborate to stimulate the advancement of mathematics and its applications in computer science. The education of future consumers, users, producers, developers and researchers of mathematics and its applications is an important challenge in modern society, and as such, mathematics and its application in computer science are of vital significance to all spectrums of the community, as well as to mathematicians and computing professionals across different educational levels and disciplines. With contributions by leading international experts, this book motivates and creates interest among young researchers.