Home / Meat and Poultry Cookery
Note: This edition of Meat and Poultry Cookery has been updated to include Metric equivalents.
Every year thousands of homemakers write, telling us of their success with a certain recipe or asking if we have a regular cook book. Because of this great demand we have prepared this cookbook. Recipes are tested and made over and over again. Instructions are carefully worked out in a step by step procedure that insures perfect results.
Some of these recipes are old, old ones taken from my grandmother’s “receipt book”, some are favorites served in my home and the homes of my many friends. Others are ones I’ve gathered in my travels and quite a few are the good old standby basic recipes so necessary in all food preparation.
So, regardless of whether you want to know how to make a simple beef stew or some popular exotic dish, you will find the recipe in Mealtime Magic. One of the greatest joys in the world comes from sharing your treasures with others. My treasures are my recipes. They are all here—in the Mealtime Magic books. Use them and let them become your treasures, too.
Download a sample copy and check it out!