Home / Nanotechnology in Eco-efficient Construction

Nanotechnology in Eco-efficient Construction By Fernando Pacheco-Torgal

Nanotechnology in Eco-efficient Construction

By Fernando Pacheco-Torgal

  • Release Date: 2018-11-22
  • Genre: Engineering
  • $379.99


Covering the latest technologies, Nanotechnology in eco-efficient construction provides an authoritative guide to the role of nanotechnology in the development of eco-efficient construction materials and sustainable construction. The book contains a special focus on applications concerning concrete and cement, as nanotechnology is driving significant development in concrete technologies. The new edition has 14 new chapters, including 3 new parts: Mortars and concrete related applications; Applications for pavements and other structural materials; and Toxicity, safety handling and environmental impacts.
Civil engineers requiring an understanding of eco-efficient construction materials, as well as researchers and architects within any field of nanotechnology, eco-efficient materials or the construction industry will find this updated reference to be highly valuable.

- Addresses issues such as toxicity and LCA aspects
- New chapters covering safety handling on occupational exposure of nanoparticles and the assessment of personal exposure to airborne nanomaterials
- Discusses the effects of adding nano-particles on the durability and on the properties of geopolymers