Home / Healthcare Policies and Systems in Europe and China
Healthcare Policies and Systems in Europe and China, a product of an interdisciplinary European Union-funded project, comprehensively investigates opportunities for mutual integration in the healthcare sector of the two regions and analyses policies at both national and local levels, the legal environment, medical practices, as well as the state of respective healthcare industries and related businesses. The book sheds light on both the potential benefits and obstacles to the integration of Chinese and Western medicine, as well as practices and industries in Europe and China. An interdisciplinary approach is adopted throughout using tools and technical knowledge derived from the economics, social sciences, legal and medical fields. This edited volume seeks to provide guidelines and policy proposals for policy-makers both in Europe and China, as well as offer operational suggestions for companies working in or with China, to enhance bilateral trade and investment flows. It also presents medical evidence and economic/legal analysis that will help boost the integration of traditional Chinese medicine with Western medicine through research studies. This is a recommended read for graduates, researchers and policy-makers seeking for a holistic understanding of healthcare policies and systems, both in theory and in practice.Contents: Healthcare System and Industry in Europe and China: Common Issues and Future Opportunities: Relevance of Western Medicine and TCM in the Chinese and European Markets: An Overview (Attilio Mucelli) New Horizons of Chinese Healthcare System: Reforms and Perspectives (Daniela Caruso) Effect of Aging on Healthcare Industry's Cooperation Opportunities Between Europe and China (Dan Yang, Qinhong Wu and Attilio Mucelli) The Chinese TCM Industry: Growth, Changes and Policies (Marco R Di Tommaso, Manli Huang, Yue Qi and Chiara Pollio) Trade in Medical Products Between China and EU (Qu Ruxiao, Zeng Yanping and Liu Xia) The Healthcare Industry in the Chinese Economy: Insights from Input–Output Analysis (Noemi Ferracuti, Claudio Socci and Francesca Spigarelli) European Healthcare Industry and Chinese FDI: Where Do Chinese Firms Invest? (Ping Lv, Yu Liang and Francesca Spigarelli) Monopoly in the Chinese Healthcare Market: Norms and Practices (Lihong Zhang and Changmian Zhang) The Chinese Private Hospital Sector and FDI: From Socialization to Opening Up (Federica Monti) Investments, Research, Education, and TCM (Paolo Sospiro) The Integration of Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine: Challenges and Opportunities: Assessing Costs, Benefits, and Cost-Effectiveness in TCM (Attilio Mucelli and Olena Liakh) Evaluating the Use of TCM Through the Theory of Planned Behaviour: A Consumer Survey Analysis (Olena Liakh) Legal Framework on Health Foods in China and Food Supplements in the EU: A Comparison Study in the Perspective of TCM (Pamela Lattanzi and Qingle Hu) The Balance Between Patients' Choice and Economic Constraint in the Use of TCM Therapies: Two European Cases (Erik Longo and Laura Vagni) Understanding Traditional Chinese Medicine from a Legal and Semantic Perspective (Saisai Wang and Kim Van der Borght) Female Doctors in Ancient China: Comparative Studies Through Literature and Science (Elena Santilli) Traditional Chinese Medicine: Evidences from the Medical Field: Using International Perspective to Develop Traditional Chinese Medicine (Xiaolin Yuan and Xu Zhang) Cancer-Related Digestive Symptoms (Qijun Fang, Yujuan Wang and Tianshu Xu) Cancer-Related Fatigue (Qijun Fang, Yujuan Wang and Tianshu Xu) An Introduction of Zhou Zhongying's Experience in Diagnosing and Treating Osteoarthritis with GuBi Decoction Based on the Pattern Differentiation of Kidney Deficiency and Collateral Obstruction (Xueping Zhou and Jing Wang) The Crisis of European Healthcare Systems in the 21st Century: The Patient with Chronic Disease and the Potential Role of Acupuncture in the National Healthcare Systems (Carlo Maria Giovanardi,...