Home / Assessment in Mathematics Education
This book provides an overview of
current research on a variety of topics related to both large-scale and
classroom assessment. First, the purposes, traditions and principles of
assessment are considered, with particular attention to those common to all levels
of assessment and those more connected with either classroom or large-scale
assessment. Assessment design based on sound assessment principles is discussed,
differentiating between large-scale and classroom assessment, but also
examining how the design principles overlap. The focus then shifts to classroom
assessment and provides specific examples of assessment strategies, before
examining the impact of large-scale assessment on curriculum, policy, instruction,
and classroom assessment. The book concludes by discussing the challenges that
teachers currently face, as well as ways to support them.
The book offers a common language
for researchers in assessment, as well as a primer for those interested in
understanding current work in the area of assessment. In summary, it
provides the opportunity to discuss large-scale and classroom assessment by
addressing the following main themes:
·Purposes, Traditions and Principles of Assessment
·Design of Assessment Tasks
·Classroom Assessment in Action
·Interactions of Large-Scale and Classroom Assessment
·Enhancing Sound Assessment Knowledge and Practices
It also suggests areas for future
research in assessment in mathematics education.