Home / The Bible’s Teaching On the Call to the Ministry
William S. Plumer (1802–1880) was an American Presbyterian minister and theologian recognized as a Reformed leader in the church in the 19th century. How do you know if you should enter into the Gospel ministry? Although this is a plain subject in its matter, it is exceedingly difficult in its practical application. It is the purpose of this volume to state the biblical principles with all possible plainness, and endeavor in practice to guard carefully against their abuse. The text used is Matthew 4:18-22, in the calling of the first disciples. Topics covered are the nature of the call, evidences to the ministry, necessary qualifications, conviction of duty, and evidences that are requisite for a true call. This is a helpful work to aid the reader in determining whether or not they belong in the Gospel ministry. This work is not a scan or facsimile, has been carefully transcribed by hand being made easy to read in modern English, and has an active table of contents for electronic versions.