Home / Mathematical Modelling in Solid Mechanics
This book presents new research results in multidisciplinary fields of mathematical and numerical modelling in mechanics. The chapters treat the topics:
mathematical modelling in solid, fluid and contact mechanics
nonconvex variational analysis with emphasis to nonlinear solid and structural mechanics
numerical modelling of problems with non-smooth constitutive laws, approximation of variational and hemivariational inequalities, numerical analysis of discrete schemes, numerical methods and the corresponding algorithms, applications to mechanical engineering
numerical aspects of non-smooth mechanics, with emphasis on developing accurate and reliable computational tools
mechanics of fibre-reinforced materials
behaviour of elasto-plastic materials accounting for the microstructural defects
definition of structural defects based on the differential geometry concepts or on the atomistic basisinteraction between phase transformation and dislocations at nano-scaleenergetic arguments
bifurcation and post-buckling analysis of elasto-plastic structures
engineering optimization and design, global optimization and related algorithms
The book presents selected papers presented at ETAMM 2016. It includes new and original results written by internationally recognized specialists.