Home / Real-World Decision Support Systems
This book presents real-world decision support systems, i.e., systems that have been running for some time and as such have been tested in real environments and complex situations; the cases are from various application domains and highlight the best practices in each stage of the system’s life cycle, from the initial requirements analysis and design phases to the final stages of the project. Each chapter provides decision-makers with recommendations and insights into lessons learned so that failures can be avoided and successes repeated. For this reason unsuccessful cases, which at some point of their life cycle were deemed as failures for one reason or another, are also included. All decision support systems are presented in a constructive, coherent and deductive manner to enhance the learning effect.
It complements the many works that focus on theoretical aspects or individual module design and development by offering ‘good’ and ‘bad’ practices when developing and using decision support systems. Combining high-quality research with real-world implementations, it is of interest to researchers and professionals in industry alike.“A book on real case studies in Decision Support Systems is a much-needed publication in an area where most literature has been dedicated to theory, underestimating the empirical dimension of decision-making support. I am very glad to see this book appearing. It really fills a gap”.Professor Alexis Tsoukiàs, Director of LAMSADE, CNRS - LAMSADE, Université Paris Dauphine, France. “This book is informative, interesting, and inter-disciplinary. It exemplifies how Decision Support Systems can transform, influence, and impact real-world practices”. Professor Shaofeng Liu, Plymouth Graduate School of Management & Plymouth Business School, Plymouth University, UK. “A very attractive book that undoubtedly augments our understanding of Decision Support Systems and their myriad of applications. I would like to offer my congratulations to the authors and recommend the book to all potential readers".Professor José María Moreno-Jimenez, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zaragoza, Spain, and President of the International Association of Applied Economics Asepelt.