Home / The Zealous Christian
Simeon Ashe (d. 1662) was a puritan minister of the Gospel and a member of the Westminster Assembly. Samuel Rutherford described him as, “gracious and zealous.” Are you zealous for Jesus Christ? Does God think so? From Revelation 3:19, “Be Zealous,” Ashe divides his work into 8 parts, explaining what it means to be zealous. He shows how zeal is to be exercised for good, and against evil. He will reprove those who are not zealous and teaches the motives by which Christians may be provoked to seek the increase of holy zeal in their life. He covers the means to be used for obtaining zeal, and gives nine rules to guide Christians to improve godly zeal. True regenerate Christians should be taking heaven by storm, violently seizing the Kingdom of God by force, and pressing into the Kingdom with all their might. This rare work is not a scan or facsimile, has been carefully transcribed by hand being made easy to read in modern English, and has an active table of contents for electronic versions.