Home / The Nature, Necessity and Character of True Repentance
Zachary Crofton (1626-1672), was a faithful Presbyterian minister of the Gospel, and an Irish non-conformist puritan divine. Repentance is a “sense of, and sorrow for sin, as committed against God.” The sinner spreads himself before the Law of God to survey his life. Being imperfect, in view of God’s Law, he comes away not just lacking "goodness," but sees the utter viciousness of his nature against God’s holiness. He sentences himself as accursed of God, agreeing that the Law is right and good, and he knows he will experience God’s Divine fury by God’s justice. He knows he is a true sinner before God, but sorrows under sin, being “ashamed of such a sinful state.” He learns that repentance is a supernatural gift given to him from God, and that he must turn from sin to God, and answer the call of the gospel,” which requires everyone to repent. This is not a scan or facsimile, has been updated in modern English for easy reading and has an active table of contents for electronic versions.