Home / How to Make a Great Living Teaching Online
This book teaches you how to make money online, even a very good living, by making tutorial videos. Whatever your hobby or area of expertise, from cookery to computer programming or even teaching your own language, there's a good chance you could make more money from tutorial videos than from a "normal" job. In the past two years I've made more than $170,000 (£104,000) from tutorial videos. I used to have a job - in fact a whole career - that I hated, but now I live where I want to and work when I want to. In this book I'll teach you how to turn your hobby into a business. I'll also tell you about some of the other ways you can make a living online; you'll discover that many of the same principles apply regardless of the nature of your online business.
The Internet gives you the opportunity to set up a business with little or no upfront costs, making almost 100% pure profit at no risk. Whether you want to make some extra income or you want to leave your job and take control of your destiny, this book will help you.