Home / Wolf King

Wolf King By Chris Wraight

Wolf King

By Chris Wraight

  • Release Date: 2015-10-02
  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • $15.99
Score: 3
From 34 Ratings


The Space Wolves were set upon by the forces of the Alpha Legion before they had even recovered from the Razing of Prospero – hounded to the edge of the Alaxxes Nebula, in desperation Leman Russ called out to his primarch brothers for aid. None came. Now, with their fleet stranded and supplies dwindling, the warriors of the Rout face almost certain death amidst the rust-red clouds of the nebula. But what a glorious end it shall be, worthy of the sagas of old, and Alpharius’s sons will soon learn that a cornered wolf is always the most deadly...

Read it because
Find out what Russ did next... This novella bridges the gap between 'Scars' and 'Vengeful Spirit' and sees Russ make some hard decisions in the name of victory...


  • Short read

    By Bossman716
    Not bad if your a space wolf fan, but it is a short read though. I thought it was enjoyable.
  • Not stupid people

    By Lostprimarch420
    Limited edition data file? Yeah....right. Limited edition stuff should be a physical copy. This is gouging no matter what tag they put on it. The true stupid people are the ones who keep paying this much for short stories and defending games workshops terrible business practices...
  • Unfrickinbelievable

    By Batory0022
    Been a long time fan, but the incredulous prices increases drove me away. Checked back in recently to see if GW had come to their senses, only to see they are still screwing their fan base with more price increases and shorter stories instead of novels.
  • Enough

    By Ferric
    Enough, Black Library. I'll be getting my BL books through the local library at this point. You've priced yourself out.
  • Limited edition marketing scheme

    By Jalaroc
    It's a marketing scheme that piles on the price by limiting supply with no real indication of quality.
  • Stupid people

    By Djm0319
    People don't understand this is a limited edition. I gave it three due to the stupid idea of uploading it here. But it is a great book in general and it is worth it to have a limited edition to look forward to. If people don't like that they should look into it instead of just buying and complaining after they could of avoided it just by looking it up.
  • Too much

    By Pyroyeti
    Avid Space Wolves fan, but $27.99 for 160 pages should at least come with a free model. Too much for too little, sorry!
  • This has to be a joke

    By BL Trolling
    I don't even pay this much for a 600 page hard back let alone a 164 page short story. I did a triple take at the price before it actually set in that it wasn't a mistake. How can they possibly justify this price???
  • Beyond the pail pricing

    By Themongrelkoi
    I saw the price and thought this book would be 400+ pages, only 166 though. Seriously too much. It's Leman Russ, a popular primarch so I guess they figured someone would be desperate enough to pay $27.99 to find out what happened. Ugh.
  • Wolf King - Lost in Greed

    By Hemos39
    What kind of people do you have running your business? You should be in the Pharmaceuticals business jacking cancer patients lifesaving medications. You are strongly out of touch with your customers. SAD! 😟