Home / Strong Coupling Gauge Theories In The Lhc Perspective (Scgt 12) - Proceedings Of The Kmi-gcoe Workshop

Strong Coupling Gauge Theories In The Lhc Perspective (Scgt 12) - Proceedings Of The Kmi-gcoe Workshop By Yasumichi Aoki

Strong Coupling Gauge Theories In The Lhc Perspective (Scgt 12) - Proceedings Of The Kmi-gcoe Workshop

By Yasumichi Aoki

  • Release Date: 2014-01-13
  • Genre: Physics
  • $69.99


This volume contains contributions which are largely focused on strong coupling gauge theories and the search of theories beyond the standard model, as well as new aspects in hot and dense QCD — particularly in view of the LHC experiments and the lattice studies of conformal fixed point.

It contains, among others, many of the latest and important reports on walking technicolor and related subjects in the general context of conformality, discussions of phenomenological implications with the LHC, as well as the theoretical ones through lattice studies. Nonperturbative studies like lattice simulations and stringy/holographic approaches are extensively elaborated in close relation to phenomenological studies. Also, heavy ion experiments at LHC are discussed in such nonperturbative approaches.
Contents:Conformal Window and Correlation Functions in Lattice Conformal QCD (Y Iwasaki)Phase Structure of Many Flavor Lattice QCD at Finite Temperature (Norikazu Yamada and Shinji Ejiri)Conformal Dynamics and Thermal/Bulk Phase Transition in Lattice Gauge Theory with Many Fermion Species (Kohtaroh Miura, Maria Paola Lombardo, Elisabetta Pallante, Tiago Nunes da Silva and Albert Deuzeman)Latest ATLAS Results on Higgs and BSM physics (Osamu Jinnouchi)Holographic Technidilaton and LHC Searches (Maurizio Piai)Higgs Boson Mass and the Scale of New Physics (M Shaposhnikov)Metastable D-term Dynamical SUSY Breaking (Nobuhito Maru)Dynamical Model Based on Hydrodynamics for Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions (Chiho Nonaka, Yukinao Akamatsu, Shu-ichiro Inutsuka and Makoto Takamoto)Dilatons in Dense Baryonic Matter (Hyun Kyu Lee and Mannque Rho)Non-Abelian Strings in Supersymmetric Yang–Mills and Beyond (M Shifman)Partial Mass-Degeneracy and Spontaneous CP Violation in the Lepton Sector (Hiroyuki Ishida)Localization and ABJ Wilson Loop Calculation (Keita Nii, Shinji Hirano and Masaki Shigemori)QCD Corrections to Electric Dipole Moment from Dimension-six Four-Quark Operators (Koji Tsumura)Analysis of the Scalar Tetraquarks on the Lattice (Masayuki Wakayama and Chiho Nonaka)and other papers
Readership: Graduate students, researchers and professionals in the fields of particle theory, particle experiment and astrophysics/cosmology.
Key Features:Maintains a unique tradition of compiling a series of the Nagoya SCGT workshops since 1988 on phenomenological studies and the theoretical ones, particularly the lattice studies on the strong coupling gauge theories for the electroweak symmetry breaking42 talks (plus posters) including those by R S Chivukula, L Del Debbio, B Grinstein, A Hasenfratz, C T Hill, Y Iwasaki, M Karliner, K Konishi, J Kuti, V A Miransky, B Mueller, F Sannino, M Shaposhnikov, M Shifman, R E Shrock, E H Simmons, amongst others