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Can't Look Back: War for Dominance, Book 1 (Unabridged) By Chris Kennedy

Can't Look Back: War for Dominance, Book 1 (Unabridged)

By Chris Kennedy

  • Release Date: 2024-11-11
  • Genre: Classics
  • © 2024 Chris Kennedy Publishing
  • $17.99


Falsely accused of a crime, John Gatsby follows the real perpetrator through a mirror in an effort to clear his name. A stranger in a strange land, John arrives to find himself in a world at war, and he is immediately drawn into a quest that will save the world or extinguish everything good in it forever.

Unable to find the mirror that brought him to the new world, John has no option but to risk his life and join the forces of good in their conflict. John can only hope for a brighter future; there's no looking back.


Title Writer
Can't Look Back: War for Dominance, Book Chris Kennedy