Home / The Unloved (Unabridged)
The image is instant. It whirs out of the camera, and they all watch it develop in silence. "Here." He gives the photograph to the perfect, flawless woman without looking at it, by way of apology. When everyone gathers around Luciana to admire it, Gustav clicks again. The unloved look brave. The unloved look heavier than the loved. Their eyes are sadder, but their thoughts are clearer. They are not concerned with pleasing or affirming their loved one's point of view. The unloved look preoccupied. The unloved look impatient.
A group of hedonistic tourists - from Algeria, England, Poland, Germany, Italy, France, and America - gathers to celebrate the holidays in a remote French chateau. Then a woman is brutally murdered, and the sad, eerie child Tatiana declares she knows who did it. The subsequent inquiry into the death, however, proves to be more of an investigation into the nature of identity, love, insatiable rage, and sadistic desire.
The Unloved offers a bold and revealing look at some of the events that shaped European and African history and the perils of a future founded on concealed truth.