Home / Martial Arts: Secrets of the Asian Masters
A comprehensive look at the art of combat, Martial Arts: Secrets of the Asian Masters is a series that investigates a variety of fighting systems throughout the World. General Douglas MacArthur said, I could conquer the world with one million Philippine Warriors. Secrets of the Asian Masters captures the essence of the Filipino warrior traditions and provides an inside look at the lethal traditional fighting systems in the Philippines.
Punong Guro Myrlino Hufana leads a group headed by Brett McGinnis of M&M Productions into the rain forests and cities of the Philippine islands. Guarded by machine gun-armed police, they are granted personal access to the Masters of Asian fighting and their students who are off limits to most outsiders. A fascinating look into the world of traditional weapons makers, and the training of the world's most fierce young fighters going beyond specific styles and regions to explore the true spirit of Filipino fighting systems.