Home / The Smart Girl's Guide to Porn (Unabridged)
The secret is out: Women watch porn. Glamour magazine found that 87 percent of women ages 25 to 39 enjoy porn as part of their self-defined healthy sexual lifestyles - even more than use sex toys.
In The Smart Girl's Guide to Porn, acclaimed sex educator, sex and technology columnist, and porn-for-women expert Violet Blue offers hip, friendly, and knowledgeable advice on bringing porn into your sex life. Or, decide if it's even right for you.
Learn about the realities of porn and the women who watch it, women that direct it, and women who star in it. Discover how to find porn you'll like (and avoid things you don't want to see), from favorite turn-ons and women-friendly Web sites to Podcasts and porn groups on the web, as well as how to reconcile fantasy with real-life desires. Also, find out how to maintain your own powerful and sexy beauty standards when the people on screen seem impossibly buff, smooth, and surgically enhanced. Looking for authentic sex scenes? Thinking of sharing porn with a lover? Wonder which browser is safest for Internet porn surfing? For answers and insight, zoom in on The Smart Girl's Guide to Porn.