Home / The Red Well: A Western Story (Unabridged)
The Red Well is called that by Jerry Finnegan when the water in the well on his ranch turns that color. Finnegan asks Charlie Kimball to help him defend the ranch and protect his wife Sarah andyoung son from the threat of death by Slade and his gang. Slade wants the ranch and will murderto get it if Finnegan refuses to sell. For Charlie Kimball the reason driving Slade can only be thered water in the well.
"Bad News for Bad Men" by Hugh Owen first appeared in Street & Smith's Western Story Magazine (12/8/34). Copyright 1934 by Stree & Smith Publications, Inc. Copyright renewed 1962 by the Estate of Frederick Faust. Copyright 2011 by Golden West Literary Agency for restored material. Acknowledgment is made to Condé Nast Publications, Inc., for their co-operation. "The Lion's Share" by George Owen Baxter first appeared in Street & Smith's Western Story Magazine (12/1/28). Copyright 1928 by Street & Smith Publications, Inc. Copyright renewed 1956 by Dorothy Faust. Copyright 2011 by Golden West Literary Agency for restored material. Acknowledgment is made to Condé Nast Publications, Inc., for their co-operation. "The Red Well" by Hugh Owen first appeared in Street & Smith's Western Story Magazine (12/29/34). Copyright © 1934 by Street & Smith Publications, Inc. Copyright renewed 1961 by Estate of Frederick Faust. Copyright 2011 by Golden West Literary Agency for restored material. Acknowledgment is made to Condé Nast Publications, Inc., for their co-operation. The name Max Brand® is a registered trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office and cannot be used for any purpose without express written permission.