Home / Duke of Egypt: A Novel (Unabridged)

Duke of Egypt: A Novel (Unabridged) By Margriet de Moor

Duke of Egypt: A Novel (Unabridged)

By Margriet de Moor

  • Release Date: 2013-01-25
  • Genre: Fiction
  • © 2013 Audible Studios
  • $11.99


Young, flame-haired Lucie raises horses on her father’s farm. One summer day, she meets a dark, handsome stranger, Joseph, and it is love at first sight. But their union is as improbable as their love is deep. For Joseph is a wanderer, a full-blooded Gypsy, a man for whom all Europe is a stomping ground. Despite their cultural differences, they marry, have three children, and lead a normal life with one exception: each spring their life is suspended as Joseph returns to his other family, the Gypsies, scattered to the four corners of Europe.


Title Writer
Duke of Egypt: A Novel (Unabridged) Margriet de Moor