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The Destructors and Other Stories (Unabridged) By Graham Greene

The Destructors and Other Stories (Unabridged)

By Graham Greene

  • Release Date: 2025-01-11
  • Genre: Fiction
  • © 2025 Spoken Ink
  • $10.99


From a childish fear of the dark in "The End of the Party" to the chilling conclusion of the "Destructors" and the all-consuming selfishness of "May We Borrow Your Husband", this collection opens with three of Greene's most disturbing stories. Things take a surreal turn in "Under the Garden" before finally blossoming for a moment in "Two Gentle People", then there's a detective story and a brush with Greene's sardonic wit to finish.

Extremely enjoyable and easy to dip in and out of... "The Destructors" "The End of the Party" "Under the Garden" "A Discovery in the Woods" "May We Borrow Your Husband" "Mortmain" "The Invisible Japanese Gentleman" "Two Gentle People" "Murder for the Wrong Reason" "The Man Who Stole the Eiffel Tower"


Title Writer
The Destructors and Other Stories (Unabr Graham Greene