Home / Tales from Beyond the Pale, Season One, Volume 1: Man on the Ledge & The Hole Digger
Conceived during a fog-drenched car ride with nothing beyond the windshield but a horizon-less void, Larry Fessenden and Glenn McQuaid created the acclaimed Tales from Beyond the Pale, audio theater inspired by the vintage radio shows of Alfred Hitchcock and Orson Welles.
Volume 1 features two episodes from the first season, including "Man on the Ledge" by Joe Maggio and "The Hole Digger" by Larry Fessenden. The series was produced by filmmakers Larry Fessenden, Glenn McQuaid, and Lisa Wisely.
In "Man on the Ledge", written and directed by Joe Maggio, a man reflects on his life - and imminent death - while perched on a ledge overlooking Manhattan. Through a series of surprising reveals, what begins as a touching soliloquy on human frailty slowly devolves into a psychotic screed as our ledge-dweller’s misdeeds are slowly brought to light. Starring Vincent D’Onofrio as the man on the ledge, with Larry Fessenden as Bill Coley, the officer charged with talking him down. Featuring John Speredakos, Nick Damici, and Greg Amici.
"The Hole Digger", written and directed by Larry Fessenden, concerns "the summer that everything changed, that summer in Cape Cod when me and my brother first found the hole dug down in the dunes in front of our house. Whether it was for a grave or a treasure, that hole changed our lives for good." Larry Fessenden’s haunting tale stars James Le Gros and Owen and Tobias Campbell, and features Kevin Corrigan, Heather Robb, and Joel Garland.