Home / Tales from Beyond the Pale, Season One, Volume 5: Johnny Boy & The Demon Huntsman
Conceived during a fog-drenched car ride with nothing beyond the windshield but a horizon-less void, Larry Fessenden and Glenn McQuaid created the acclaimed Tales from Beyond the Pale, audio theater inspired by the vintage radio shows of Alfred Hitchcock and Orson Welles.
Volume 5 features two episodes from the first season, including "Johnny Boy" by JT Petty and "The Demon Huntsman" by Ashley Thorpe. Produced by Larry Fessenden, Glenn McQuaid, and Lisa Wisely.
Terror on the baby monitor! "Johnny Boy", written and directed by JT Petty, takes us from the streets of New Orleans to a baby’s nursery in this frightening tale about the anxieties of parenthood. Featuring Amy Seimetz (Bitter Feast, A Horrible Way to Die), Shea Whigham (Boardwalk Empire, Splinter), and including Bill Weeden of Troma’s Sgt. Kabukiman NYPD.
In "The Demon Huntsman", written by Ashley Thorpe, Lord Capel returns to his ancestral manor to reclaim his title. En route, he sees a black stag, the capture of which becomes an obsession. But the stag is merely a lure to draw victims out upon the moor, and Lord Capel, in his haste to gamble the lives of those around him in its pursuit, will instead find himself cutting cards with the Devil.